‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The day of campaigning begins
Tuesday is already looking like it’s going to be a fun one in the “Big Brother Canada” house, mostly because of the campaigning that is going to start to come out for Kelsey and Raul. In one corner, you have someone who has already been evicted once before; meanwhile, in the other you’ve got someone who probably thinks he is not the target because of Maddy not liking Kelsey.
Yet, he feels a little bit of that danger, and we’ve already seen him campaign to people like Phil by saying that he can be a glue that ties many different people to Jared. The assumption that Raul seems to be making (which is a little bit wrong) is that people actually want to continue working with Jared. The guy’s won several competitions at this point, and while he’s hitched his wagon to terrible players and has been fairly inflexible, he’s actually not a horrible player in his own right. He’s a big threat.
Raul, meanwhile, is not a great player. He’s too easily influenced, and more interested in doing the show for fame reasons rather than playing the game. We’ll give him at least some credit for admitting that’s why he is there, given so many other houseguests tend to get on their high horse and pretend like they are there for some other reason.
Do we think this day of campaigning will change anything? It’s not likely, mostly because of the push that has already been initiated by Tim and Cassandra to keep Kelsey, and have the two of them remain big targets in the house. They’re the ones who have people flocking around them, and the only way we see things changing is if someone figures out what they’re up to.
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