‘Gotham’ season 2, episode 17 video: Jim Gordon does his best vigilante impression

Jim GordonIs Jim Gordon suddenly Batman on “Gotham” season 2? We wouldn’t say that, but we would say that the sneak peek below from Monday night’s new episode is clearly him doing his best impression of a certain future Dark Knight.

If you recall, Gordon made the decision to return to Gotham at the end of this past episode in an attempt to clear his name. He knows that this is an uphill battle, but he’s not one to run away from problems. He’s also not one to run away from someone clearly in need of some help. He saves a woman from some attackers in a pretty badass way, but then the moment he recognizes who she is, she also runs away in a panic.

As if this wasn’t disorienting enough, an officer spots Jim on the scene, which forces him to then disarm this guy before running away. Here’s the problem with where Jim is at right now: While he’s not guilty of some of the charges that have been laid at his feet, he is still guilty of breaking out of prison and attacking some cops. There’s no way to get out of this situation without consequence unless someone feels extremely sorry for his journey and lets him off the hook. That’s probably not the most realistic thing in the world, but hey, it’s “Gotham.” Nothing is always going to be true to life on this show.

Let’s just be happy for now that Jim is not locked away since having more than a few episodes of that would’ve been really tedious.

In the event you want some other news right now when it comes to “Gotham,” just be sure to head over to the link here for another preview! Also, sign up at this link to book some more TV updates on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Fox.)

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