‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Your week 7 Power of Veto winner

Maddy -The Power of Veto Competition took place in the “Big Brother Canada” house on Saturday afternoon, and this was one on paper that seemed as though it would have a predictable finish for the Third Wheel. Given that Maddy (not an imposing competition threat, even with two wins) was Head of Household and Nikki and Cassandra were chosen to compete, this could not have gone better for this alliance. We wondered even if there was a chance that Raul, who was chosen to compete, would win because Jared or Kelsey threw it to him. If that happened, Maddy’s entire week in power could be undone.

That part of the equation did not happen; however, Jared did win the Veto, which is another reminder of his competition prowess and also a sign that Maddy will have to name a replacement nominee on Monday.

This one should be obvious: She has to put up Raul. Would it make sense for some in the house to get rid of him if this happens? Probably. So long as Jared and Kelsey are in the game together, they will isolate themselves. Also, it’s not like they are going to pull a Jillian / Emmett and win every competition. She doesn’t even seem like she wants to be there half of the time, so why not keep someone like that around?

Cassandra is already hoping to plant a few seeds with Maddy to ensure that Raul goes up, so we will see what happens over the next couple of days, given that we’re sure the Third Wheel will try to offer her some sort of a deal in return for safety. While this seems to be open-and-shut, remember that she did nominate her own ally in Loveita and got her out of the house.

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