‘The Originals’ season 3 spoilers: When Elijah, Finn collide with Matt Donovan

Originals -For those of you who do enjoy little tie-ins between “The Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals,” odds are that you will probably enjoy Friday night’s new episode … even if it is not a full-on crossover in the slightest. While Elijah and Finn are visiting Mystic Falls, they are going to have an interaction with Matt and really nobody else.

So in explaining why we’re seeing these two guys head over there to begin with, executive producer Michael Narducci gives a pretty solid explanation to TVLine:

“The fact is, [The Originals and The Vampire Diaries] share a joint universe, and Mystic Falls is an important place to the Mikaelsons … It’s where Esther created vampires for the first time, it’s a hallowed ground. For reasons related to that, we’re going to see some of our characters head to that hallowed ground. They’ve got business they need to take care of, and it just so happens that while they’re there, they cross paths with someone whose job it is to protect that city.”

We like all of the different characters involved in one way or another, and that’s probably why we are so looking forward to this episode. We don’t want to see them do anything bad to each other, but the reality here still remains that something could happen, and we just gotta be prepared for that. Just remind yourself what sort of world we are in with some of these characters at the moment and what they’re capable of.

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