‘The Walking Dead’ season 7: Andrew Lincoln on huge cliffhanger, shocking start

Rick -While we know that there are quite a few people out there who are not enormous fans of the way in which AMC chose to end “The Walking Dead” season 6, but the argument that they are keeping to for ending it this way goes something like this: In keeping the identity of the deceased a secret until season 7, they are giving themselves a jumping-off point to a new story, one that will feature huge challenges and possibly a war with Team Rick versus Team Negan … provided that Rick is even around to see it.

While that may not be known just yet, Andrew Lincoln did make it rather clear to Variety that he is a fan of the mystery of it all right now, saying that this was a great way to change things up going into a premiere:

“It’s an incredibly courageous way to start a season. It’s not a conventional way of opening a new season of our show. Usually it’s an up-and-at-’em call to arms, big episode. This is a brutally damaging, psychological and emotional battering to begin Season 7, which is a huge writing task. It’s an extraordinary call from Scott [Gimple]. I commend him. He made a pact a few years ago to keep scaring us because it’s absolutely the right thing that we should be doing after five years. I’m a bit scared about playing this guy, but that’s a good thing. It means we’re challenging ourselves and pushing ourselves. We’re trying to do something to not repeat the show and I think he’s done that with this way of starting Season 7.”

We really do hope that the show does capture all of these emotions, but it’s going to take a death that is really surprising enough to make the wait worth it. The producers cannot just kill off a relatively minor character and expect everyone to be okay with it.

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