‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The Tim / Mitch summit awaits
For several weeks now, we’ve professed that it was very clear that the best two players on “Big Brother Canada” season 4 were Tim and Mitch. Both are, after all, extremely skilled at what they do. They’re strong social players, very good manipulators, and they make people around them want to keep them in the house.
Ultimately, this is what makes it so interesting right now that Tim is really the person who controls what happens this week. As of right now, Jared, Kelsey, the brothers, and Cassandra are all voting to evict Mitch from the game, while Nikki, Ramsey, and Maddy want Mitch to stay. They realize that he’s a huge target now for the Third Wheel, and he’ll for sure work with them now given the current state of the house. We get that, though of course we think he’s capable of flipping later if it suits him to do so.
While Tim’s vote would at best only mean a tie, the idea here is that he could also swing over Cassandra. For now, he’s suggested that he will vote Mitch out, but he is willing to wait until Thursday to see if there is any sort of offer made to change his mind. He talked for a long time with Nikki about it this afternoon, recognizing that Mitch hasn’t wanted to work with him because he realized what he was up to in the game. He’d said that he is willing to work with him and try and control the house, but he realizes that if he keeps Mitch now, there’s a good chance he will win the game. He has to figure out if he is okay with that.
There’s some wiggle room for Mitch here, but he’s going to need to campaign hard to Tim, and possibly even admit that his move to get rid of Dallas has come back to bite him.
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