‘Arrow’ season 5: Echo Kellum promoted to series regular as Curtis Holt

Curtis -For those looking for some terrific news indeed regarding the future of “Arrow,” we’ve got it for you here!

As first reported by TVLine, Echo Kellum has been promoted to series regular starting in season 5 for his role as Curtis Holt. Over the course of this season, he has went from a Palmer Tech expert to almost a full-fledged member of Team Arrow; as a matter of fact, on the most recent episode he ended up taking Felicity’s place in the Arrow-Cave while she was off working to stop Brie Larvin with her mother and Thea. His significant other is also responsible for helping Felicity to walk again thanks to the implant.

We couldn’t be happier with this news, largely because we’ve been a fan of Kellum’s really ever since his role on Fox’s “Ben and Kate,” and he brings a fun, playful energy to the show that comes from him not being jaded. Felicity has grown to become a strong character, but she doesn’t have the same wide-eyed innocence she once did. Curtis fills a little bit of that void, though we’re sure that eventually he also will develop skills and talents that also make him a little more jaded. Do you bring in someone else for that role then? Maybe we’re starting to get a little bit meta here…

Anyhow, one of the interesting things about Kellum’s promotion is if it will lead to him becoming Mr. Terrific proper at some point sooner or later. “Arrow” has many heroes in its arsenal (put intended) right now, but we don’t know what their future holds and there is a significant character death coming soon. (We’ll have more on that particular subject tomorrow.)

If you do want to get some other “Arrow” scoop, be sure to head over to the link here now! Also, sign up over here to secure some additional TV news on almost everything we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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