‘Arrow’ season 4, episode 18 preview: The Andy Diggle mystery deepens
What is really going on with John Diggle’s brother on “Arrow“? Andy has been in many ways a mystery ever since he first arrived. While he was trapped in the makeshift prison at the lair, it definitely appeared like he was fully on Team Damien Darhk. Then, we started to learn more about him, and it felt as though John had actually won him over.
However, at the same exact time the events of this past episode made that even more unclear as to whose side Andy was really on, thanks to that scene featuring him in the closing minutes. The new comic preview below, posted by executive producer Marc Guggenheim, makes that even cloudier.
Is it possible that Andy is in full double-agent mode, and doing what he can to play both sides thinking that this is how he can be the most help to the team? Sure, or it’s possible that he has a last-second change-of-heart to help his brother after previously turning on him. We really have not seen enough of the character so far to be able to successfully read him, so with that in mind he’s the sort of person who could swing in almost any direction.
Ultimately, we just hope above all else that this episode as an ending that is exciting and earned. We’re extremely worried about many different characters coming at the end of the episode, since all indications suggest that this will be the precursor to the now-infamous grave scene we’ve seen mentioned so many times.
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Hiba Moeen
April 5, 2016 @ 6:36 am
Hi! Where can I access these comics?