‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Mitch’s mission

Mitchell -As upset as we were over both the “Big Brother Canada” live feed outage and also the way in which this Kelsey-coming-back twist completely screwed over one of the game’s best players, it could all make for a really entertaining few days.

You see, Mitch is a very good player. Whether or not he’s an outstanding player will be tested over the course of the next few days. He’s on the block against Joel, Jared won the Power of Veto and probably isn’t going to use it, and right now he’s the obvious target. Kelsey wants him out bad, and was able to convince Raul to turn on someone who was one of his best friends in the game. (The irony here is that we think Mitch probably would’ve taken Raul to the end, thinking he could beat him fairly easily aside from his alliance-mates’ votes.)

Mitch is already beginning his campaign to stay alive, and one of the things that he is trying to do is almost akin to a sneak-attack. He wants to give off the vibe that he has accepted his fate, while working hard behind the scenes. He had a lengthy, fascinating talk tonight with Nikki, who is probably one of the best allies he has left in the game. She feels like evicting Dallas was a mistake (it probably was for her), and while Mitch doesn’t seem so willing to entertain that, he does admit that the game as it was has been blown up and he needs to figure out where to go from here.

One option? Working with Tim. He feels like Tim could bring Cassandra and the brothers in potentially to help keep him, though he’s going to need five votes just like with Dallas last week. If he gets Nikki, Cassandra, the brothers, and Tim, that’s a good start, but he’ll have to bank on Maddy and Ramsey.

Like we said, this will be a fun week! You can head over here to get some other “Big Brother Canada” updates, or sign up now to score some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)

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