‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Did Kelsey Faith or Loveita Adams return to the game? (Spoilers)
Going into Sunday night’s “Big Brother Canada” show, we didn’t have live feeds or a whole lot else to base the edit on; yet, within the opening minutes we still found a way to be somewhat-enraged over the edit. Why are we still acting like Ramsey was the deciding vote when it was actually Nikki?
Anyway, at least the show made quick work in tonight’s episode in determining who was going to be returning to the house. It ultimately felt pretty obvious that it was going to be Kelsey from the moment deliberations started. Jared and Raul were going to be stubborn about it, and Joel wouldn’t fight hard enough for Loveita out of fear of upsetting the apple cart. She probably does have a better chance of going far than Loveita. Granted, either person has the potential of causing a little bit of drama armed with new information in the game.
After we saw the immediate aftermath to Kelsey re-entering the game, it was surprisingly clear from an entertainment standpoint that the right move was made. Kelsey told Jared, and they made the biggest mistake known to mankind by cluing in Raul right away, who could not contain himself from going and blabbing to Mitch. For those of you who wondered why we ranked him so high going into this week, this is why. He’s this good at getting people on his side!
Head of Household Competition – This should be interesting, since Raul was the winner! He knows that Mitch has been a snake, but at the same time Mitch is his friend. What is he going to do here? We really didn’t see too much campaigning other than the conversations with the Third Wheel alliance.
Nominations – Like we said, we didn’t really get a lot of insight into Raul’s decision-making, so we did not have much of a clue what in the world he was going to do. In the end, it was Mitch and Joel … and we still have faith in the former getting out of it. This is, after all, what so many great players do. Look at Dan in season 14!
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