‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: An eviction; what’s next for Kelsey, Loveita

Dallas -Tonight’s “Big Brother Canada” episode is going to be a big one for determining the course of the rest of the game. After all, we’re seeing more than just someone leave the game; we’re also going to get someone coming back into the game, as well.

Our first thing that we want to do in the review for this episode is complain for a minute. Why? It has a little bit to do with the fact that the first 30 or so minutes of this episode were largely filler, and really didn’t do much for us as entertainment, either. Unless you’re doing a double-eviction or some sort of life-altering twist, we’d rather just see things go a standard hour’s worth of entertainment.

The eviction – Goodbye Dallas. He went in a 5 – 3 vote, and it was a vote that was really the result of him picking the wrong allies in the early going, being a little too aggressive, and also having people in the game like Nikki who had an ax to grind with Tim and Cassandra over some of their recent actions. We’ve had a lot of fun skewering Dallas over time, but we also gotta say that he did have a super-classy exit and it was somewhat-sweet how he got choked up reading the goodbye messages.

The twist reveal – After Arisa Cox pretty much tormented Dallas by making him hear about the Secret Suite twist, she then clued the house in, allowing them to see that they have been watching what’s been going on in the game. The other twist is that the house must decided unanimously who is going to re-enter the game, which should be ridiculous, hilarious, and everything and then some since these people are never going to make up their minds.

Want to get some other news when it comes to “Big Brother Canada,” be sure to head over to the link here right now! We’ll have our eviction interview up on Friday. Also, sign up over here to get some more TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

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