‘The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story’ finale preview: The verdict
We’ve seen the OJ Simpson trial unfold slowly over the course of “American Crime Story” season 1, but in one week’s time “The People v. OJ Simpson” is going to come to its conclusion. Spoiler alert: You do know how this one ends.
We’ve seen everything from the glove to the arguments of the Mark Fuhrman tapes play out, and on next week’s finale, we will see how the show depicts the grand conclusion to this case. The synopsis below offers up some insight:
“In the season finale, the prosecution and defense make their closing statements; the jurors deliberate; and the verdict is given.”
How far ahead will the show project into the future? That is one element of the finale that we are curious of, since there is potential here feasibly to tell audiences about what happened to many of these key players after the fact. Obviously, this trial shook almost every person involved to their foundation, and many of them departed their positions and went on to do other things. Simpson was eventually arrested on different charges, and currently resides inside a Nevada prison. While there are comments through other parties about how he may feel about the show, he has not commented himself in any sort of public way.
As for a season 2 of this series, early indications are that executive producer Ryan Murphy wants to explore the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. While we’d prefer the show remain more in the true-crime realm, he’s earned a little bit of leeway thanks to season 1.
Interested in getting some other news right now when it comes to “The People v. OJ Simpson,” be sure to head over to this link right away. Also, sign up over here to secure some more TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: FX.)
April 3, 2016 @ 5:47 am
American Crime Story Season 2: The Benghazi Scandal starring Jessica Lange as Hillary Clinton.
jill scottman
March 31, 2016 @ 12:21 am
Don’t want it to end….when the trial was goin on originally I was in elementary and couldn’t stand the fact that my dad took over the tv from cartoons and black sitcoms….didn’t realize how dramatic this mess was…didn’t even know who oj was before the court case…the case lasted forever and all I wanted was my cartoons. Nooooow I have the chance to see the TV version of it as an adult and I don’t want it to end lol…irony