‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The new Head of Household (and this should be fun)

Big Brother -For all of those who were starting to worry about one side of the “Big Brother Canada” house getting a little too much power, we come today bringing you big news: Things are going to get a little bit wild this week. (Warning: There are spoilers ahead!)

When the live feeds went up following the “Side Show” this evening, it was revealed that none other than Tim has emerged victorious in the race to become next Head of Household. We have a pretty good feeling that this should be interesting. He prides himself on being unpredictable, and he already threatened that he was going to make everyone in the house declare publicly who they would want to nominate this week. We’re not sure he will do that, but this should be great regardless!

Realistically, the best move for Tim right now is to probably go after Dallas as his main target, and do what he can to ensure he leaves the game. You can nominate him with either Maddy or Ramsey, and then just use the one not nominated as the backdoor target. We figure that there are some other big moves available to him and he knows that Mitch is a danger to win, but there’s no real combination of people that would lead to Mitch going home, at least per our estimation.

Maybe we’ll come back a little later in the night or early in the morning with more of our take from what’s going on; Tim’s gotta start the nomination chatter eventually…

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