‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Goodbye Third Wheel; eviction, Head of Household speculation

Raul -To begin this new “Big Brother Canada” live feed update, we must say farewell to the intrepid alliance known as the Third Wheel. They had a good run for a crew formed early in the game, but it’s fairly easy to see what their undoing was: They were far too obvious of a trio. Jared and Kelsey had a sort-of-showmance going (they kissed yesterday, but hid it behind a stuffed animal so the camera couldn’t see), and Raul was obviously close to them. The three often isolated each other, and when things didn’t go their way they had a very particular attitude about it.

Last night, Kelsey apparently decided that she was going to try to make the best of a bad situation and be super-nice to most people, and saying that she is happy to have brought Jared and Raul together. It’s a little cheesy, but whatever. We’d feel sadder about her leaving if she hadn’t basically told people she was okay with it previously.

Here’s another feather in Mitch’s cap: Kelsey thinks that she is leaving in part because Maddy doesn’t like her, when the reality is that most people would probably love to leave her in there for Maddy to go after. We feel like this is more of a function of Mitch doing a great job. He rallied to keep Raul as a number, and even told Joel yesterday that the big benefit of this move is that he thinks he can sway Raul to keep them safe if he wins Head of Household.

Going into the fake double eviction tonight, Jared and Dallas are probably the most obvious targets, given that this is a way to easily take them out. Maybe you can also include the brothers or Maddy as secondary targets on here. We can even envision a few scenarios where Tim could find himself the victim of bad luck. This is a good HoH to win, mostly because you can make a move, claim it at the end of the game, but you don’t have to be in power for a long time. People will forget about it.

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