‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Is Kelsey going to make last-minute push?

Kelsey -Today in the “Big Brother Canada” house, we witnessed what was a relatively quiet day, at least when it comes to the strategy portion of the game.

It seems close to set in stone at the moment that Kelsey will be leaving the game on Thursday, at least if there is not some crazy twist with the fake double-eviction that causes her to have another chance. Kelsey has claimed that she won’t campaign hard, but Cassandra tonight is at least trying to convince her to make a last-minute push. The flight attendant has the votes of Tim, Cassandra, and Jared right now, and Cassandra thinks that if it’s a tie, Joel will break things in her favor. (Whether or not that is true is to be seen, given that she told him earlier in the day to evict her if it’s a tie between her and Raul.) Cass is pushing her to try and convince Ramsey to side with them, which is hard since he told her earlier that he was voting her out. The only votes that could be possibly there for her are the brothers and maybe Nikki, if she is extremely nice to her.

Ultimately, we appreciate the last-second hustle, but it feels like it’s too little, too late and there are too many people firmly set against getting rid of Kelsey over Raul. Also, Joel is tight with Mitch, who has been the biggest proponent in keeping Joel.

We’ll have another update in the morning, so we’ll see if anything bonkers happens overnight.

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