‘Agents of SHIELD’ season 3, episode 14 preview: ‘Watchdogs’ bring Chloe Bennet, cast new threats

Agents of SHIELD -Tonight, “Agents of SHIELD” brought us a heck of a powerful episode that served, in many ways, as the farewell to the story of Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter for the time being. They’ve got the “Most Wanted” spin-off apparently on the pipeline; while we don’t know if that show is actually getting the green light at the moment, the producers are certainly calling their shot.

So where are we going from here? On next week’s all-new episode “Watchdogs,” we’re going to get a chance to see a super-intense story that revolves around an organization who is planning to target the Inhumans in a big way. Take a look at the synopsis below:

“When a radical group called The Watchdogs emerges with plans to eliminate the Inhumans, Agent Mack and his brother become caught in the crossfire. Meanwhile, Simmons discovers a powerful chemical compound that could alter the future for Inhumans.”

As to how the whole scene with Stephanie at the end of the episode will factor into the equation moving forward, that’s something that remains to be seen … but we’re definitely excited to see how it is. We’re going to have some other news as to what to expect moving forward into the future, so be on the lookout for it! Let’s just hope that moving forward, we are going to get a chance to see the remainder of the cast stick around. We’re going to be on edge about that the rest of the season.

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