‘The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story’ episode 8 review: The jury dilemma
If there is one thing that we have come to learn about the OJ Simpson trial, at least through the lens of “The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story,” it is that the prosecution and the defense will do almost everything that they can to work the angles needed to give their side an edge. Sometimes, that means working to get a secret witness to testify; at other points, it involves working the jury.
Through much of Tuesday night’s new episode (entitled “A Jury in Jail”), what we saw above everything else was Marcia Clark working to get an upper hand over Johnnie Cochran in any way possible, starting with ensuring that many people were removed from the jury over having either a past history of domestic violence charges, or in another case being a victim of it. Cochran defended their placement on there, which led to Lance Ito wondering if this move by the defense was racially-motivated in order to ensure that they remained sympathetic to his client.
Unfortunately for Clark, this is a case about battles and wars, and with the discovering of the Mark Fuhrman tapes at the end of the episode, Cochran and his team may be able to make a better case than ever before regarding the role of racism in Simpson being taken in.
In terms of events, there were only a few landmarks tonight following glove-gate in the episode prior. With that being said, this was still outstanding storytelling from start to finish, whether it be the shocking treatment of some of the isolated jurors to Robert Kardashian afraid of continuing to have a role in the trial, while at the same time expressing some nerves regarding what would happen where he to quit. This show remains outstanding entertainment, and a crown jewel in the FX library. Grade: A.
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