‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The Kesley – Raul debate
Even though we are not going to say that “Big Brother Canada 4” is the biggest collection of strategists that we’ve ever seen, at the same exact time we almost prefer that. It’s given us players to think a little more outside of the box, and that leads to some very-interesting debates, including the one that we have now.
Here is the picture that we are looking at presently. In one corner, we’ve got none other than Kelsey on the block, who has shown herself to be a pretty intimidating presence in the house to some. She doesn’t get along with everyone, but she is tight with Jared and Raul. Then, you’ve also got Raul on the block, who has having to perform a little rope task 1,000 times in the wake of what happened in the Power of Veto Competition. (We don’t think he’s acting as awesome during it as we saw with Shelli last season on the American show.)
In theory, it makes a little bit more sense to get out Kelsey, since that would split up a potential showmance. (Sure, the two aren’t super-romantic, but perception is what perception is in the game.) However, Tim and Loveita have discussed that really, Kelsey is a weakness of Jared’s more than a strength. If you get rid of her, you free him up to go elsewhere in the house and allow him to make other bonds. It’s an interesting point, though you also don’t want to leave both of them in there together for a long time.
Another interesting player in all of this is Mitch, who told Raul this morning that he would like to keep him around if we can. The house is currently all over the place, but Dallas (sporting a new cactus costume thanks to the PoV) is probably not using the Veto. That’s the one thing that seems solid.
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