‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The Veto winner and ramifications
While every week in the “Big Brother Canada” house has an important Power of Veto Competition, this one was fairly integral to Joel’s game. As Head of Household, he made a big move to try to separate either Raul or Kelsey from their alliance with Jared. However, with Jared picked to play in the Veto, the possibility was raised that he could win the necklace, remove one of the two of them from the block, and force Joel to look elsewhere. His best-case scenario there would just be to nominate someone like Tim, who he would most-likely have the votes to keep around one more week.
Did that happen? As it turns out, it was the same exact thing for yet another week as Dallas ended up winning the Veto. This is a huge win for him and his alliance, but certainly a loss for the Third Wheel crew as it may ensure one of them goes home.
As for whether or not there is a chance that Dallas will use it in hopes of Joel putting up Jared as a replacement nominee, we’d say that, at least for now, this feels incredibly unlikely for one simple reason: Joel seemed to make an agreement with Jared that he would not be setting him up for a fall later. If he doesn’t stick to that, it’d set a bad precedent of trust.
Also, we actually think it’s more useful to send Kelsey out the door given that she is probably the least likely of the three people in her alliance to work with anyone from the outside.
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