‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The nominations are in

Joel -From the moment that the Head of Household Competition was over on “Big Brother Canada” Thursday, we knew that this was going to be a rather interesting week and then some. Now, we are very pleased to report that we have further proof of this very thing.

Still with us? Well, read on for spoilers..

In the end, Joel decided to go along with his plan to nominate Raul and Kelsey for eviction, something that was met with almost-instant emotion. Kelsey was upset both for being in danger and for being so upset on TV, and Raul is now proclaiming that most of this was Loveita’s undoing. It’s interesting that Joel really doesn’t seem to be taking too much heat for any of this, and the biggest concern from some of the players seems to be the notion that if he doesn’t win Veto (if he can play for it), Jared will be the replacement nominee. We’re actually not sure of that at all.

So if the nominations stay the same, who should be evicted? As much as we hate seeing another person leave the game, it may be better to separate Jared and Kelsey since they are such an obvious pair. We do realize that Raul has more potential to go under the radar and last a while, but at the same time we don’t see him being someone you really have to worry about much at the end of the game.

We’re not sure anything else substantial will happen tonight; with that, we’re going to leave you off until the morning, when we’ll be back with more from the feeds.

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