‘Big Brother Canada 4’ exit interview: Christine Kelsey on Loveita, Cassandra, and votes

Christine -There were moments early on this season on “Big Brother Canada” where it did seem as though Christine Kelsey was going to last for a long time in the game. She was laying super-low, hadn’t angered too many people in the house, and even showed that she was capable of winning competitions.

In the end, though, her undoing this week was seemingly the result of two separate actions: Nominations from Loveita that were surprising at the time, and her potentially hitting the campaign trail a little late. To get some of Christine’s own insight on the subject, we had the chance to ask her a few questions in a conference call on Friday.

CarterMatt – Whose vote are you the most disappointed you did not get?

Christine Kelsey – I actually was disappointed that Phil didn’t give me a vote. I’ve been sleeping with him that whole time and smelling his farts and having him kick me in the head in the middle of the night … I was sad he didn’t give me a vote!

What’s your assessment right now of Loveita as a player?

Loveita, she’s just all over the place. I don’t know what she’s doing or where she’s going or what’s going to happen with her. If she makes it to the end, then good for her and maybe I was wrong. As far as I can see, though, she’s playing a weird game.

Do you think that Cassandra now has a chance of staying in the game for a long time?

I think anyone has a chance of staying a long time, but Cassandra is really working it. If she stays, then it will because she worked hard to stay.

(As you can tell, Christine is one of the more direct and to-the-point people we’ve spoken to!)


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