‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: State of the house pre-eviction

Big Brother -Thursday night will bring to us yet another great “Big Brother Canada” eviction show, and while we still think there is enough flux here for almost anything to happen, we feel about 90% confident in what is going to take place tonight: Christine will likely be evicted. While Tim has talked about giving the side of Ramsey, Nikki, Dallas, and Maddy another vote just for the hell of it, odds are that it will be 7-4 with Cassandra staying in the game.

At the moment, almost everyone seems to be aware of where the votes are going, as well. Dallas seems to be the most bent out of shape over Joel, someone who they considered to be a swing vote. The good news for Joel is that Loveita doesn’t seem to hold it against him too much.

The remarkable thing, as the dust is starting to settle on this week, is that Loveita may have interestingly been right while most of us were wrong: Nominating Cassandra and Christine may not have been too bad of a move in retrospect thanks to the way she’s done some damage control. We do think that Jared, Kelsey, and Raul have bigger fish to fry, and most of the other side of the house will target the aforementioned Third Wheel alliance. Maybe Cassandra will try to put her up as a replacement nominee if she wins Head of Household, but the odds of that happening are relatively low.

We do think that the odds are a little bit higher that a bigger target is about to be put on the block, given that there are two factions of the house going at each other. We’ll have a little more on that later tonight, but we’d be shocked if someone like a Joel, a Mitch, or a Tim tries that hard to win power.

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