‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Nominations; all hail Cassandra

Cassandra -While we’re not exactly confident about our “Big Brother Canada” winner pick in Cassandra anymore, we come hear to praise her rather than bury her. After all, how can we say something terrible about a player who has delivered us as much goodness as she has over the course of tonight?

We begin with the rather baffling nominations by Head of Household Loveita. She chose to put up Cassandra and Christine one the block, using a deal that she made with the Jared, Raul, and Kelsey camp for safety over the next few weeks as justification. This was … well, awful. She made deals with everyone before that, so she basically guaranteed herself that heads would roll after making her nominations. And, they did!

The biggest issue that Loveita had this week to us was not really doing anything decisively. She over-analyzed and over-thought everything. Maybe it would have been better to not win Head of Household, but we’re not going to debate that too much. The big issue is this: Jared nominated her last week, while Cassandra worked to save her. Effectively, Loveita has rewarded the people who wanted her out and punished someone who helped her.

Since the nomination, Cassandra has delivered a heck of a diatribe, reminding the HoH what she has done. It’s pretty clear right now that Cassandra is her target especially after that speech; the one thing that she may have going for her right now is that so many people are utterly confused by Loveita that they may not want to do what she wants.

So what could the next course of action for Loveita be if someone uses the Veto? While it’d be great to see her go after the three-person alliance with Jared, it looks like now some of the other players in the house are hoping to get Phil and Nick out. They can’t be trusted, and at least it’s better than losing someone who really has no business leaving the game.

Just to make matters worse for Cassandra, she and Joel are Have-Nots again this week, a punishment for breaking the Have-Not rules this past week.

Bonus video: If you missed it, we stopped again by Rob Has a Podcast earlier today to discuss this season with Rob Cesternino and Alex Kidwell. Check it out below!

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