‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Possible nominees and half-measures
When we interviewed Loveita before this season of “Big Brother Canada,” there was one perception that we had of her almost right away: She was extremely analytical, and almost too much so. If there was one person who could potentially overthink her way right out of the game, it felt very much like she could be it.
Basically, here are some of the ideas we’ve heard Loveita discuss here and there just over the past few hours:
1. Nominating both Cassandra (pictured) and Christine, with her targeting the latter. This would make things a relatively easy week, since nobody really seems to care much about having Christine in the game.
2. Putting up both Kelsey and Raul, making sure that someone from that alliance of three goes home this week.
3. Nominating either Kelsey or Raul with someone like a Christine, that way she can at least claim that she is sparing someone from being on the block.
Ultimately, Loveita’s huge problem here is that if she wanted to be under-the-radar, she shouldn’t have won Head of Household. There is no peace treaty she can really make with someone like Kelsey, who we are 99% certain would want her out if she gets back into power. She’s not going to the end with her, Jared, or Raul, so splitting them up seems to be the right move.
If the HoH was Cassandra, Joel, or someone else, we’d think differently. The safe move is to nominate Christine and Dallas since nobody would really care if one of them went home. Loveita’s just not in a position where she should be making half-measures.
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