‘The Fosters’ season 3, episode 17 review: Happy birthday, Mariana and Jesus
Compared to some recent episodes of “The Fosters” and all of the shockers we have seen in them from start to finish, we’d be willing to say in some ways that Monday night’s new episode was somewhat tame by comparison. There weren’t too many parts of the story that kicked down doors, but there were some things worth keeping track of for the future.
For example, Callie and Brandon’s significant others had to get more used to the history that the two have. Courtney learned some more about his history with her, and promised not to say anything to anyone. After all, she admits to her own complicated past, given that she still lives with an ex and is hoping to get her own place. We’re not sure that this relationship has staying power, but this is out of the way. As for AJ and Callie, that one is a little more unclear even though we did see some cautiousness on her part to the subject of sex, something that Jude was also learning about courtesy of debating whether or not he should go pay Connor a visit.
One of the main events of his episode otherwise was seeing the birthday celebration of Mariana and Jesus, which had an interesting note courtesy of Gabe giving them some sort of gift. This relationship has evolved somewhat, and Gabe has in turn opened up to the possibility of at least communicating with the two of them in some way.
Were there a few moments for Stef and Lena in this episode, as well? Sure, but not as dramatic as in past iterations. “Sixteen” was the title for this episode, and with that it made sense that growing up was one of the hour’s primary themes. These characters all had to start preparing for their inevitable future, whatever that may be, and we’re glad to see that they are at least thinking about what they want. It is unreasonable for now to think that they would have it figured out. Episode Grade: B-.
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