‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 4 preview: Scott & Blair + Kurt & Brodie = ?
Tonight, “The Amazing Race” certainly had an interesting leg in Colombia, one where yet again teams were penalized for making some big mistakes along the course. One of the nice things about the season so far is that through three episodes, the teams who have finished in last place have done so as a result of their own merit. Darius & Cameron had a big disadvantage at the start of Friday’s episode, but it was ultimately the Roadblock that did them in more than having to make up some time.
So will this trend continue moving into the next episode? That remains to be seen, but we like that the preview showcases that teams are really starting to get competitive with one another. We were worried going into this that the personal relationships between some of the teams plus the online reputations that many of them have would be enough to keep people from being sneaky, but that is not the case! We have a case of people literally trying to hide so other teams do not see them.
Also, do we have an “Amazing Race” romance blooming between Blair and Brodie? This is something that you don’t see all that often on the show, but it’s also possible that we’re seeing CBS blow it way out of proportion in the promo. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened. Also, wouldn’t it be a little awkward since Blair’s dad is more or less there the entire time? (Brodie’s probably really happy that the first leg was a non-elimination one now!)
Want to get some other news on “The Amazing Race”? Then head over here, where you can get our review for Friday night’s all-new episode!
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