‘Vikings’ season 4 video: Travis Fimmel teases up new story

Just in case you wanted to get some more evidence all about the epic scale that is coming your way in “Vikings” season 4, we have something new for you to check out below: A short but sweet video featuring Ragnar himself in Travis Fimmel.

In this video, Fimmel sets the stage for what could be one of the most epic seasons of the show we’ve seen to date. There will be the aftermath of the raid of Paris, warfare at sea, betrayal, romance, intrigue, and probably a wide array of other things. Given that this 20-episode season is longer than anything that the show has done so far, we have to imagine that the series is going to be accomplishing quite a lot over this span of time. (We already imagine that this has to be a lot of work when you consider the episode order as compared to past seasons.)

Sure, there is somewhat of a blueprint here insofar as what can happen to Ragnar and some of the other characters given that this is a History series we’re talking about, but one of the joys of watching “Vikings” for the most part has always bee that this is not a history of which Americans know very much. Therefore, there is this real ability to surprise people with events that have already transpired, which is both rare and incredibly exciting at the same time.

We’re going to have coverage on all things “Vikings” throughout this season, so be on the hunt for more news!

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