‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 7, episode 12 review: Damon’s dark descent; Caroline’s new woes
Friday night’s new episode of “The Vampire Diaries” reminded us for the most part of several things: Damon is a tortured soul, Caroline’s pregnancy is not going to go on peacefully, and we’re starting to get a sense as to who the Huntress is, and what exactly that she’s capable of. She’s not someone to be thwarted easily, and we also get the sense that she’s not going away anytime soon.
Let’s get back here to Caroline’s pregnancy here, though, mostly because this seems to be one of the larger cliffhangers. Her energy is being siphoned away, and if this continues on forever, she may not even function herself. She’s going to need help from Stefan and others if she wants to emerge from this situation in one piece … and it’s not going to be easy.
Talking Bonnie, Nora, and Mary Louise – Do we love this story? We’re actually not sure, since our largest criticism of it right now is just that it’s heartbreaking to see Mary Louise and Nora be apart and deal with some of the hurt that has come between them.
Damon’s descent – Is it fair to say that he actually has a new woman by his side? We wouldn’t exactly say that … mostly because we saw the flash-forward and we have a pretty good idea how this ends. As for whether or not it’s believable for him to be hooking up with someone not named Elena Gilbert, we have to believe it. Remember here: The guy set her on fire last week. He’s sabotaging himself, and this is the worst sort of self-sabotage there is. Episode Grade: B.
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