2016 Super Bowl Commercials: Snickers turns William Dafoe into Marilyn Monroe

Super Bowl -If there is one thing that Snickers has become known for over the years, it is transforming people into surprising people in their “you get a little angry when you’re hungry” series of commercials. We’ve seen some really funny ads in this vein over the years, and this time around we also give them some credit for getting William Dafoe to reenact a classic Marilyn Monroe scene. Of course, he ate the bar and eventually transformed back into the famed starlet.

Take a look at the Super Bowl ad below, and be prepared to get our official take on it! We’ll update the rest of this in a minute or two.

What worked – Obviously, these commercials area massive win for Snickers, and they’ve done a brilliant job getting good actors to appear. The branding is there, and we like that this time around they also used an iconic moment like Marilyn’s famous dress scene.

What doesn’t – Maybe you can argue that the best days of these ads are in the past; it’s going to be hard to top Danny Trejo in terms of surprise factor; also, that commercial had “The Brady Bunch.” Who doesn’t love the nostalgia that was present there?

Overall – B+. It’s not reinventing the Super bowl commercial, but this was a very solid, very funny bit of advertising. We do want to eat a Snickers right now, so from that standpoint alone we have to say that this is supremely effective. We’re just going to have to to see what the reaction is in general.

If you want to get some other Super Bowl commercials right away, be sure to head over to the link here right now! Also, sign up over here to get some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Super Bowl.)


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