‘UnREAL’ season 2 spoilers: Meet the new star of ‘Everlasting’


You may have already heard that for the second season of “UnREAL,” the fictional show-within-a-show in “Everlasting” is doing something that they’ve never done before in having an African-American man in the leading role. His name is Darius Hill, and he is a young quarterback who has a lot of swagger, but also some morals behind him and plenty of charm. He’s the sort of guy who would get plenty of suitors, and also a wide array of people watching around the country.

Now, “UnREAL” has found the perfect man for the job in B.J. Britt (“Agents of SHIELD,” “Being Mary Jane”). According to TVLine, Britt has landed the part, and we’ve also learned that there is some sort of “PR scandal” that leads to him taking this role in the first place. Like Adam Cromwell, he is probably looking for some sort of redemption from this show when the dust settles.

As for whether or not he will get it … did he even watch the season with Adam? The further “Everlasting” went on the air, the more and more that the series started to go down the rabbit hole. Adam’s season was ratings gold for the network, but a personal disaster for him given that his wedding fell apart, and at the same time his relationship with Rachel also did not come to pass.

The second season of “UnREAL” should premiere at some point in the summer, and we plan to have so much more in the way of news before it premieres. Stay tuned…

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