‘Legends of Tomorrow’ spoilers: Another new promo hypes up the fun
Can you believe that the premiere of DC’s “Legends of Tomorrow” is finally almost here? January 21 is right around the corner, and the promo below does a good job of hyping up one thing above all else: This show looks like it’s going to be a ton of fun!
While we still don’t know too much about how some of these individual characters are going to interact with one another, the brief snippets that we’ve seen are great, including a young Martin Stein, Sara fighting with Rip Hunter, and some other shenanigans. This show has more in common with “The Flash” than “Arrow” in terms of tone; while we are sure that there are going to be some more dramatic moments here and there, we cannot imagine that they are going to dwell on any thing for too long. You can’t when you have this big of a cast.
We feel like the biggest concern here should just be the issue of making sure the entire gang gets individual moments to shine, and it doesn’t lead to people feeling disconnected from the entire show. It’s like a solo artist versus a music group; sometimes, it is easier to be a fan of a solo act because you can get to know them quicker; however, when you look at people who get to know some of the groups out there, they have enormous followings and then some.
Hopefully this promo for “Legends of Tomorrow” will not be the last one; we’ll have more as they become available!
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