‘Saturday Night Live’ re-watch: Adele’s ‘miracle’ sketch during Matthew McConaughey show

SNL -The Matthew McConaughey – Adele episode of “Saturday Night Live” is airing this weekend, and for those of you who want to celebrate Thanksgiving the day after Christmas, we recommend checking out the sketch below!

For the latest edition of our Re-Watch series (where we take a look back on a memorable sketch during repeat weeks of the show), we’re diving into “A Thanksgiving Miracle,” one of the stranger and yet sillier sketches from when the episode first aired in November. What’s interesting about this is that even though McConaughey was the host of the night, the musical guest really takes center stage without actually having a physical premise.

What still works – The premise is simple but genius: A highly opinionated family who can only agree on one thing at the dinner table: They all love Adele’s new hit “Hello,” and cannot help but put themselves into her shoes the moment that the song comes on. They even go as far as to imagine themselves in her music video. Even though “Hello” isn’t necessarily as enormous a hit as it was a month ago, it’s still relevant enough for this to be incredibly enjoyable. Thanks to the facial reactions and the little visual details (Beck Bennett’s fingernails, Aidy Bryant struggling to stay upright in the wind), there are little new discoveries that can be made throughout.

What doesn’t – Maybe in a few months’ time when some of the Adele hype has died down, the music video portion of the spoof will be lost as viewers start to forget about it. It’s like doing the “Gangnam Style” dance now. Also, Bryant’s line about voting for Ben Carson is so one month ago; then again, the fact that Carson’s campaign has fallen to the wayside since this episode first aired may make her comment about wanting to vote for him all the more absurd. Whether or not that comments works or doesn’t now is a matter of interpretation.

As a whole, we do think this is a shaky show, especially when it goes off a cliff after “Weekend Update.” You can head over here to read our full review of it.

Also, sign up right away to get some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: NBC.)

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