‘Longmire’ season 5 video: See star Robert Taylor play Santa Claus once more!

Longmire -It has become a little bit of a tradition now to see Robert Taylor play Santa Claus come Christmastime, and thanks to the video below via our friends over at Orb Agency, we know that the “Longmire” star is at it again!

This video is short and consists mostly of a funny outtake, but it’s nice to see Taylor in the spirit of the holidays! We have a lot of be grateful for as a viewer of the show right now: The series just delivered on its finest season to date, and Netflix has already renewed the show for a fifth season. We put this in our weekly newsletter for those of you who subscribe to it, but it bears repeating here: We haven’t heard anything about season 5 being the last. For now disregard any talk on that unless Netflix tells us something specific.

Filming for season 5 should start at some point in the spring, at least if the same schedule is being followed as season 4. We know that some work has already begun in the writers room, and there will be plenty of time in the new year to start to get some scripts ready. We know that season 4 ended with Walt in a precarious position, but we presume that will be resolved pretty early on in the upcoming episodes.

We’ll have some more information on the show’s future as soon as it starts to trickle in, so stay tuned! If we don’t get anything else before the holidays, we hope everyone has a great, relaxing time with friends and family.

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