Is ‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 7, episode 10 new tonight? Talking ‘Hell Is Other People’

tvd -When it comes to this season of “The Vampire Diaries,” we feel like we have done everything that we can to make one thing rather clear: It has improved by leaps and bounds over the past couple. While we miss Elena from time to time, we like the freedom and the audacity in which the show is going about telling a wide array of stories.

Unfortunately, we’re going to be waiting now over a month to see how the show pays off some of the latest developments with both Damon and Stefan in a pretty horrific state. The series will not be returning until Friday, January 29, where it will settle in to a new timeslot for really the first time in its entire history. For many years this was the immovable object in the CW’s schedule, but the arrival of many superhero series coupled with a loss of ratings here over the years are the primary components leading now to the series’ downfall.

Ultimately, we just hope that the majority of show fans do find their way over to Friday nights, and as a result, continue to watch and display their passion in a big way. This has been one of the biggest franchises in the history of The CW for a reason, and we’d hate to see it go out with a whimper.

We’re going to have so much more about this season before it gets around to airing, so be on the lookout for more news! Hopefully, The CW will be kind enough to release some more official details before we get around to the Christmas holiday.

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