‘The Amazing Race 27’ finale: Are Justin & Diana, Denise & James Earl among All-Star contenders?

Amazing RaceDoes a great season of “The Amazing Race” automatically mean with a lot of All-Star teams in it? Not necessarily. There can be seasons that are great because of the course or the drama, or they could have a lot of great characters but not enough competition between the teams.

Overall, we’d say that this season has been a little bit both. We should preface this article somewhat by saying that in general, we’re not much of a fan of all-star seasons of this show; “Unfinished Business” probably the best one of them, and even that season wasn’t that memorable. If they ever do another one, they need the right people! Here are some of the people that, at least one reason or another, should be considered.


Justin & Diana – Maybe you hate them. Maybe you love them. That’s sort of the point. They’re one of the most dominant teams in show history, and there is something great that would come from seeing them face off with other great teams. They’ll bring entertainment at times and cause friction between the other teams at others.

Strong contenders

Denise & James Earl – All-Star seasons like any other want to have a mixture of different relationships, and there are few recent parent / child teams that were as entertaining or as long-lasting in the Race as these two. While they’re never going to be that dominant physically, they’re characters and easy people to root for.

Tiffany & Krista – By the same token, there are not many athletic young women who convey the sort of optimism and personality that they do on the course. They never fought with each other, and we think that there’s more of a competitive edge here than we saw.

Distant possibilities 

Logan & Chris – Hey, maybe the show really wants a couple to fight with each other constantly. They have also proven to be at least strong enough racers to make it all the way to the final three without finishing in last at any point. They also never finished lower than 6th.

Ernest & Jin – Really entertaining guys who kind of got a raw deal. There were few opportunities for them to catch up in Argentina, and we feel like they were the victim of some circumstances beyond their control when it comes to some of the cab drivers. They’re like Zev & Justin in that they’re a team who went out early who deserves another shot.

Who do you want to see back for another season, provided that “The Amazing Race” does one? Share below, and head over here to get some more news about the finale! Also, you can sign up over here to get some further TV news on everything we cover, sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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