‘The Originals’ season 3, episode 9 (midseason finale) preview: Claire Holt back for ‘Savior’

Rebekah -

If you have been desperately seeking more Claire Holt on “The Originals,” the time for waiting is over! The actress is returning next week as Rebekah for the midseason finale “Savior,” but it will certainly be in a very different way than you expected. The preview below makes it clear that things could take a violent turn quickly, and lives could eventually hang in the balance. Still, isn’t the danger part of what makes this story fun?

The synopsis below doesn’t mention Rebekah mostly because of the fact her appearance was meant to be a little bit of a surprise, and this was released a long time ago. With that said, this does a rather great job of making it clear precisely what sort of craziness coming be coming as we start to near the end of the show’s run in 2015:

“When a dangerous affliction threatens to expose one of her siblings, Freya (Riley Voelkel) searches for a way to reverse the crippling curse even as she finds herself the target of The Strix’s latest plan. Elsewhere, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) keeps a watchful eye over Cami (Leah Pipes) while she attempts to help Detective Kinney (guest star Jason Dohring), whose life has begun to spiral out of control as a result of Lucien’s compulsion. Meanwhile, a confrontation with Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) causes Vincent (Yusuf Gatewood) to reevaluate his decision to stay out of witch business, and Hayley’s (Phoebe Tonkin) attempt at a quiet Christmas with Jackson (guest star Nathan Parsons) and Hope results in an unexpected surprise.”

Will we have some sort of epic cliffhanger that leaves things up in the open until the show returns next year? That’s something that we have to consider a possibility, mostly given that it’s something that we have seen many times before and the show really needs to give you something to grasp onto while waiting for the move to Fridays.

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