Is ‘Elementary’ season 4, episode 5 new tonight on CBS?

ElementaryElementary” has certainly had to date one of the most unusual airing patterns for a show that we’ve ever seen. If you remember back to last week, there was a new episode of the show that aired on CBS. However, all of a sudden this week the show is not on the air.

So what gives there? The answer is actually relatively simple: Blame the National Football League. Because of the showdown between the Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions airing on CBS Thursday night, the entire lineup is off the air. That means no Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu for one more week, which is probably frustrating to some of you who have been forced to wait a lot this season already thanks to football.

When the series does return, you’re going to get an episode that is somewhat standard for the show, with the main notable thing being the return of the Alfredo character. The title is “The Games Underfoot,” and if you have not seen the synopsis for it just yet, you can do so in full below:

“When an archeologist is murdered, Holmes and Watson believe the man may have been killed for what he discovered during his last excavation in a local landfill. Also, Sherlock’s relationship with Alfredo, his friend and former sobriety sponsor, hits a rough patch.”

For those wondering whether or not this is the final episode of 2015, fear not: There is one more coming beyond this, which is going to air on December 17. After that, we’ll have a hiatus until 2016.

Interested in getting some more news when it comes to “Elementary”? Then be sure to head over to the link here! Also, you can sign up over here to get some other news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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