‘The Amazing Race 27’ episode 11 preview: All about the Justin & Diana ‘shocker’
Justin & Diana really are an interesting character study when it comes to “The Amazing Race.” when you just look at them on the surface, they don’t seem like the sort of team who would be gunning to become the singular most-successful team in the history of the show over the course of one season. Physically, there’s nothing that seems to make them stand out when you’ve had professional athletes and people whose job it is to be fast on the show before.
Where they’ve gotten some of their magic this season stems more from their mental game, and Justin’s intense preparation. It shows that there is a certain benefit to studying up and seeing how the show tends to ebb and flow. In the past, many huge fans of the show have gone out early; this level of scrutinizing and fandom has really not been shown or utilized on the Race in a way that it has for #TheGreenTeam this season.
Now, let’s move into Friday night’s new episode, given that for one reason or another, CBS seems absolutely intent on making you think that the walls are going to be crashing down for this group in the near future. The video below hypes up the episode as a “shocker.” With this level of hype, we have an impossible time imagining that they are actually eliminated. Instead, we have one or two other possibilities on our mind:
1. The two finish in first place again, which would really start to cement their place as one of the best teams ever, even if they don’t win it all.
2. The two finish in last, but are safe because of a the show doing a final four this season. It’s predetermined, so don’t ring any conspiracy alarms if this happens.
You can see our review for the most-recent “Amazing Race” by heading over to the link here. Meanwhile, sign up right now to get some further TV news sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)