‘The Amazing Race 27’ episode 11 preview: Are Justin & Diana in trouble before finale?
So far through season 27 of “The Amazing Race,” one theme has been extremely present: Justin & Diana are really good at this. They’ve dominated almost every leg, and are on pace right now to become one of the best teams to ever run. Do we want to see them win? While an underdog story with a team like Kelsey & Joey could be fun, we also think at this point that they certainly deserve it given their performance from start to finish.
Based on the preview that aired after Friday night’s new episode, we feel pretty strongly that CBS wants you to at least think that they do not have much of an opportunity to pull this out. It showed them suffering, and Justin saying that he would trade every other first-place finish that the two had in order to make it through the next leg.
Ultimately, after seeing something like this we almost have more confidence that the show is going to have #TheGreenTeam in the finale. How in the world are you going to hype up these two potentially going home, and then have it actually happen, without people thinking you spoiled the entire episode? Phil Keoghan does hint at a surprise ending, and that to us suggests one of two different things.
1. Maybe Kelsey & Joey go home, which would be a surprise given their recent status as the favorite to surpass Justin & Diana.
2. We are going to have a final four once again. The show has done this in the past, and it is an effective move for them if they want to have more drama and competition in the final leg. Sometimes, it can fall a little bit flat with only three teams in it.
If you missed it earlier, head over here to read our full review for this weekend’s new episode! Also, you can sign up over at this link to get some additional TV news on everything we cover at the site, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)