Are ‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 7, ‘The Originals’ season 2 new tonight on The CW? Schedule talk
Let’s begin this particular article on “The Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals” with a reminder: There is no new episode of either show airing on The CW Thursday night. Is this a surprise? Hardly. It’s Thanksgiving! Given how the majority of Americans are probably either coming off of a turkey high or gearing up for Black Friday, there is next to no incentive for the network to go out there and try to air new installments of either show.
With that being said, both will pick up next week with new episodes, and we’re starting to feel like now is the time where the rubber could meet the road for both series in the event that they want to be on the air moving forward. As you may have heard already, both series are being moved over to Friday night, and this is in some circles otherwise known as a TV graveyard. “The Vampire Diaries” is deep into its run, and maybe some out there think that it is time for it to wind down; however, we know that plenty of people out there probably don’t feel that way.
If you want to keep the shows alive, there’s one easy way to do so: Watch live! Also, try to convince some of your friends / family to do the same exact thing.
So what can you expect when these shows return to the air? The primary thing is a little bit more in the way of drama, and for “The Vampire Diaries” in particular, they have the story of Caroline’s pregnancy to contend with along with connecting many of the dots between the present and the future.
If you do want to get some other news right away when it comes to “The Vampire Diaries,” be sure to head over to the link here right now! Also, sign up over here to get some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt