‘Legends of Tomorrow’ trailer: New footage shows off Firestorm costume, Rip Hunter, much more

Legends -

The season premiere of “Legends of Tomorrow” is going to be coming to The CW on Thursday, January 21, and if you were not hyped up to see the show already, let’s just say that the image below may do that and then some.

This trailer does an extremely compelling job of setting up just what sort of crazy show this will be, and also how different this show will look and feel almost right away in comparison to “Arrow” and “The Flash.” Clearly, the show is not wasting any time when it comes to playing around with the time-travel component of it all, moving you everywhere from a hundred years in the future to more than thirty years into the past. We also see Caity Lotz in an outfit that is extremely reminiscent of what she wore during the final season of “Mad Men” on AMC. Also, new Firestorm costume, and Rip Hunter for the first time since the proof-of-concept trailer!

There will be action, there will be romance, and there’s also going to be a little bit of humor. This show is a huge gamble for the network, given that we could see this being everything from a wonderful showcase of comic-book TV to a messy show that doesn’t come together. It’s really hard to know at the moment which way the needle is going to fall.

Given that we do still have a long time before the series actually premieres, we have to imagine that this is far from the last preview we are going to have for this show. Therefore, the biggest piece of advice we can give you is to stay tuned!

If you are interested in getting some more “Legends of Tomorrow” news, head over here! Also, you can sign up right away to get some additional TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)


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