‘Elementary’ season 4, episode 3 preview: Sherlock has his ‘Say Anything’ moment

Elementary -

We complain often about some of the promos that CBS puts out for their shows, but there is a pretty simple reason for that: Typically, they do a pretty miserable job of setting up what is actually coming in the episodes ahead.

However, that is very different with the first look that we’ve got for you below from “Tag, You’re Me,” which is Thursday night’s new episode of “Elementary” revolving around facial-recognition software, Morland Holmes continuing to be in New York City, and also apparently Sherlock having his “Say Anything” moment with Joan Watson. The opening of the clip below may be one of the funniest things we’ve seen in any crime show so far this fall.

The synopsis below does a pretty fine job filling in some of the cracks when it comes to the main plotline, and also how badly Sherlock really wants his father out of town:

“When Sherlock finds himself distracted by his father’s ongoing presence in New York City, he offers to help Morland resolve a work issue in exchange for his prompt departure home.  Also, Holmes and Watson’s investigation into the double murder of two men who looked alike leads them into the world of facial recognition technology.”

Here is the very-bad news for Jonny Lee Miller’s character: It’s not happening anytime soon. While we are not entirely sure that we will see John Noble in every episode moving forward, he is a new series regular. Therefore, we imagine that he is going to have quite a role in the story.

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