‘The Amazing Race 27’ episode 8 preview: Mining for trouble

Green Team -Friday’s “Amazing Race” episode will bit set in the Polish city of Krakow, which is great for us in that this is a city in particular we do not know that much about. It is closer to the Czech Republic and Slovakia than it is to Germany or Belarus, and is the second-largest city in the country behind only Warsaw.

We’re not sure entirely just how broad of a spectrum we are going to see of the city on Friday’s episode, other than going down into what are apparently 700-year old salt mines. There is little oxygen down there, which makes it even crazier to think that there are some people out there who actually have to go through this on a reasonably regular basis. The sneak peek below showcases Justin & Diana trying to get through it, and this is a far more encouraging version of the two than we’ve seen in recent weeks. What does that tell us? It’s mostly that they were probably exhausted the past episode or two and some of that was taking a toll on the two of them.

The crazy thing is that despite all of the conflict, these two have really dominated as of late. It’s going to take either a U-Turn or a major mistake on their part to get them out before the finale, and we honestly don’t see it happening. With that being said, there’s something about their edit that makes us think that they’re going to finish in second or third.

Hey, maybe we’re reading too much into the edit! That does happen sometimes, and we’re more than happy to be wrong.

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