‘The Amazing Race 27’ episode 7 preview: A footrace and an argument

Green Team -

Remember when Justin & Diana on “The Amazing Race” were spending most of their time fighting with other teams? Those were the days. This past episode was an exercise in cooperation for the Green Team, and while they finished #1, they fought almost the entire way.

Based on the sneak peek below, that strain seems to be continuing as we move away from Paris. Diana seems unhappy with a look that Justin gave her while they are running to a destination. Is it the Pit Stop? Given how the (former) cheerleaders Tiffany & Krista are saying that they want to beat them, it’s possible. Either way, it’s still fun to see these two near the front of the pack going into Friday. It adds another layer of competitiveness to the show, and we like that they seem to not be fighting much.

The problem for Justin & Diana is precisely what they mentioned on the show: They’ve gone from spending little time together in-person to a ton of time, and the stakes for their relationship are high. It’s a little easier for some teams not in romantic relationships, where they can be at times a little bit looser.

Now, we’re just left to wonder where Tanner & Josh and Kelsey & Joey are in the mix of things. We consider both teams to be strong threats, but they faded in a little bit of a background this past week after the Express Pass and U-Turn drama was completely over. We’ll have a full review of this installment up after it airs!

Want to get some other news when it comes to “The Amazing Race”? Head over here to see our review of this past episode, and you can also sign up over here to score some other TV scoop on everything we cover, including some exclusive teasers, via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)


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