‘Game of Thrones’ season 6: Author George R.R. Martin not out to depress everyone with ending

LogoWhile “Game of Thrones” does not follow note-for-note the A Song of Ice and Fire series from George R.R. Martin, for the most part we fell like they conceptually and thematically want to match things up. Therefore, with this in mind we want to think that the same can be said for their respective endings.

While attending a discussion at his alma mater at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Martin made it clear (per Vulture) that when it comes to creating the right ending for his story, he is not out to completely depress anyone. However, at the same time he does not want to bathe everyone in sunshine and happiness, either:

“I think you need to have some hope … We all yearn for happy endings in a sense. Myself, I’m attracted to the bittersweet ending.”

While it is very well possible that what is “bittersweet” to Martin is excruciating and sad for everyone else, we like to think that he would on the wavelength where he tries to give some sort of hope for the world. That doesn’t mean that any of your beloved characters will be alive, but there is at least potential for great things to come on the other side of all the carnage. There’s no guarantee that peace will remain forever, but it’s a start. If this is the way the book series is going, the show should be a reflection of that, even if there are some different characters and set pieces in different places. At this point in the series’ run, changes are going to be inevitable. There’s simply too much book to get onto the screen.

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