‘The Bastard Executioner’ episode 9 preview: The meaning of ‘The Bernadette Maneuver’

As we start to end the first season of “The Bastard Executioner,” it should remain fairly clear to all that this has been a story about a few simple things: Revenge, destiny, and world-building. It hasn’t often focused down into any of them, and as a result of that we do understand why some out there may feel like there may be some confusion at times as to where this story is going.

At this point in the run, though, we feel like it is starting to make sense: We are nearing the intersection of Wilkin’s respective stories with the Baroness and Annora, and he is going to discover in turn that his place in this Welsh world is much more than a widower who takes on the persona of a wayward executioner. As for what he chooses, and whether or not destiny within this world locks him into a particular fate, that remains to be seen.

“The Bernadette Maneuver / Cynllwyn Bernadette” is the title for the next particular installment on FX, and if you look below, you can get some basic details as to what you can expect over the course of it:

“Ventrishire encounters an old French foe as Wilkin gains new insight into his holy destiny.”

That is not much to go on, but is there ever really that much? This show has a routine habit of being scant when it comes to the amount of information that it hands out, and this is no different. The important thing worth noting for now is that there is both political and potential religious war coming, and Ventrishire must prepare itself on all sides.

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