Crossover November: Could ‘Girl Meets World’ and ‘Fuller House’ join forces?

Girl Meets World -

For this latest edition of Crossover November, we are turning back the clocks. Specifically, we are putting the focus on two shows in “Girl Meets World” and “Fuller House” that used to be old shows.

The reality is that when you think about “Boy Meets World” and “Full House,” you may think about the two being a part of the TGIF legacy together. However, the funny thing here is that neither show actually was a part of the lineup at the same time. While they were on the air concurrently, by the time “Boy Meets World” premiered DJ Tanner and company were on another night.

So is there a reason, nostalgic or otherwise, to even consider bringing these two revivals together after “Fuller House” premieres next year? That is something we’re going to further investigate now in the latest entry of our Crossover November series here at CarterMatt.

The case for a crossover – Nostalgia first and foremost. While the TGIF connection may be somewhat flimsy between the two shows, this had to be something that many people thought about back when these shows were on. Was there anything that Cory Matthews could learn about from Uncle Jesse? Could you throw DJ over into the “Boy Meets World” universe? It seems like such a ripe opportunity for comedy and fish-out-of-water scenarios, given that the series are set on different coasts. For “Fuller House” you could have an adult Cory and Topanga meet up with DJ and Kimmy Gibler, or see how all of their children get along. We haven’t met the kids of “Fuller House” yet, but couldn’t they have something in common with Riley and Auggie?

The case against it – While this is fun in theory, this is in particular one crossover that is probably not work all of the trouble of trying to set it up. The first potential roadblock here is one as simple as different networks; “Girl Meets World” is on the Disney Channel now, while “Fuller House” is coming to Netflix. They may be catered to slightly different crowds, with the latter going for more of the nostalgia angle with the former really caters to kids with a little nostalgia on the side. Also, how do you justify getting the characters from one location to the next? This seems almost like an idea that would be better for a cameo than a full-on crossover, since the two shows are fairly different at this point. It’d mostly just be a way to celebrate classic TV.

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