‘Supergirl’ episode 3 preview: Kara versus Reactron; Cat’s expose

Supergirl -

Monday night’s new episode of “Supergirl” showed us further that life being a new superhero is not exactly easy. For Kara Danvers, it is almost impossible to balance everything. Not only do you have the struggle of trying to keep yourself together at work (while presenting yourself as an ordinary human being), but you also have to balance out being the sort of hero everyone looks at and aspires to be. It’s not always easy, and there is a mountain of pressure around you at all turns.

Unfortunately for Kara, it is going to get so much harder during next week’s new episode “Fight or Flight,” given that another powerful villains is going to be turning up. The synopsis below gives you some more information on that, and then also how the press is going to continue to sink its teeth into her alter ego:

“Supergirl’s powers are tested when Reactron, one of Superman’s formidable enemies, arrives in National City and targets the young hero. Also, Cat plans to run an exposé on Supergirl.”

Let’s just hope that by the time this episode is over, Kara will have figured out the balance further, and she will have also understood how to better work the press in her favor. It may not always be easy, but if you’re sharp enough, you can figure it out and have everyone on her side. Barry Allen seems to have done it on “The Flash,” while Oliver Queen on “Arrow” is still struggling.

What do you want to see on the next new episode of “Supergirl”? Let us know right away with a comment, and head over here to get some other news related to the show, including a review for this past episode! Also, you can sign up here in the event you want some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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