‘Doctor Who’ season 9, episode 7 review: Clara as Bonnie, Zygons, and chaos galore
We admit that we were not as big of a fan of Peter Harness’ “Doctor Who” episode “Kill the Moon,” which may be sacrilege to some out there. That’s why we were at least a little bit concerned going into what could have been a polarizing episode for us.
There were elements of “The Zygon Invasion” that took some time to digest, hence why it has taken us a little longer than usual to get up this review. The story bounced around in some confusing directions at times, and there was a lot of buildup to get to where it was meant to. Yet, when we got there, did things ever explode! For one, the show made us buy into how there was a mystery surrounding Osgood (who we previously thought was dead), and how a capture could ruin a peaceful coexistence.
Still, our favorite moment may just be Evil Clara a.k.a. Bonnie, a clone who could cause serious trouble for the Doctor. Kate and the New Mexico story was fun, but we’ll take “Better Call Saul” for all things New Mexico over it anyway. The most important thing about this particular story was its scale: “Under the Lake” and “Before the Flood” this season were particularly small in their approach, so it was nice to see the show branch out and expand the world. You really get the sense that The Doctor has to save the planet in this case, and with his plane potentially getting shot down, we imagine that this is a cliffhanger that will scare many come Halloween time.
“The Zygon Invasion” was a lot to digest, but at the same time it was fast-paced, intense, and one of the most interesting stories of the season. That gives us hope for the next part. Grade: B+.
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