‘The Amazing Race 27’ episode 7 preview: More fighting in Rotterdam

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Tonight, “The Amazing Race 27” brought us another “to be continued” leg in France, and we actually appreciated the surprise here. Usually they don’t do two of these legs so close to each other, and at the tail end of the episode, we learned that the teams are heading to Rotterdam.

The question going into the next episode is whether or not Denise & James Earl will be able to complete the rap task, and we’re optimistic that they will. The major question is just if they can find a way to catch up once they do. They better hope for a huge equalizer going to Rotterdam. The promo that aired after tonight’s episode mostly chose to focus on two separate things.

-The fact that most of the teams don’t know where exactly Rotterdam is, which once again isn’t putting America in the best light.

-The continued decline of happy times for Justin & Diana. Their arguing is going to continue, and we hope that they (especially Justin) find a way to calm down. We really want to root for them since we’re also in the “never missed an episode of this show” camp, but it’s hard to cheer for people when fighting starts to become a habit. It’s more understandable if it just happens for an episode here or there.

Hopefully, this leg will at least contain some more fun and a variety of different adventures. This is what we saw on tonight’s episode, so hopefully that continues moving into the future.

Want to get some other news when it comes to “The Amazing Race,” including a review for Friday night’s new episode? Then be sure to head over here! Also, you can sign up here to get some other great news on everything we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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